1 min read

002: printer-friendly network

Let's open a print shop!

You've probably heard me talk about printers, here it is, all in one place...in the form of a print shop:

people print will function as a print shop that creates designs, and prints zines and fliers and posters—focusing on scanning and printing services that can support the community and contribute towards the fight for liberation. But it will also be a print shop about printers—not just what printers can produce. Printers hold significant materialistic value, as key tools in anarchist and counter-culture movement, as tangible ways for production of arts and beyond to shift to the common person. Printers also hold great abstract, symbolic value, as tools complicating the notion of individuality, scarcity, and even what is considered artistic.

It would be great to start as most print shops do, engaging in the production of arts and social justice work, making zines and other printed material in collaboration with organizations and artists. From there, it would be interesting to explore distributing designs that can be free for others to print, anyone that has access to a printer can download and print these designs, a way to share and create a network of decentralized production (like with the Pop-Up Print Kit). Perhaps different individuals and groups can set up zine stands, creating and printing their own and others works? Some other ideas that may be explored more: a service to refurbish old printers and give them out for free or deconstruct them for an art project, a subscription delivery service sending prints to people all around the world (already doing this one!), an expansion into other forms of printing: screen-printing, cyanotype printing, etc.

When we lean into copies, we'll never run out. How can we print our way towards a future of abundance?

Read more about it here.

Another essay from the archives, this time on one of my favorite games for the DS, Rhythm Heaven. It will inspire a music blog...which is still forthcoming...

More importantly, Beyoncé is a fan!

Read the rest here.